Before & After
Here are some photos from our clients' decluttering and organizing projects. We've seen it all, so there's no job we can't handle! Our goal is to leave you luxuriating in your new space and enjoying a more efficient life!
Kitchen counters are clutter magnets!
We waste money because we don't know what we already have!
This client wanted more counter space and a purge of stuff she doesn't use.
Everyone has a junk drawer, right?
Book shelves are like stuff sponges, absorbing everything we throw at them.
mom, where's the Cereal!?
created a neat and tidy coffee station and found a home for all the rest!
an efficient and sustainable system with room to spare!
That backsplash is gorgeous when it's not being hidden!
that doesn't mean it has to look junky! No more digging around!
Neat, Bright, pretty, and efficient. A book shelf can be a work of art.
Even kids and husbands can find what they're looking for!
This client wanted a productive space for work.
We helped them to rediscover their office.
Boxes, boxes, everyWhere!
You want to remodel, but you can't see your floor!
When your business takes over your home.
Guest rooms are made for guests!
paired down to the essentials.
Now there's room to work.
It's time to make space for your life.
We help you keep what you need and find the space to Thrive.
Closets become catch-alls for stuff you no longer need.
Keep what’s important to you, and lose what’s not! Make life easier!
Space to breathe!